Exciting News! Forbes Diamond 2024

What is the Diamond Forbes ranking

The Forbes Diamond is one of the awards given to companies that are thriving as private businesses in Poland. The award is given by Forbes, a leading provider of business information. In fact, it is calculated on the basis of financial data that describes a company's performance, such as profit, earnings and market value. Bisnode Poland is a partner of Forbes magazine, which confirms and verifies this data.

The award is given each year in different regions and categories depending on the size and specialization of companies. The award recognizes the perseverance and vision of Polish companies in challenging times, which in turn is intended to encourage other businesses to follow them.

Diamond Forbes award for QuWireless, again!

We are pleased to announce that our company, QuWireless, has received the esteemed Forbes Diamond award for two consecutive years! This special award recognizes and appreciates the hard work and dedication of our amazing group of employees.

Sincere thanks to each and every person on our team whose efforts never falter and who is always passionate. It is thanks to you, to your determination, that this remarkable achievement is possible. We are very proud of what we have achieved and of all the milestones we continue to cross.

"Rather than basking in our current achievements, let us harness this momentum as a springboard to ascend even further toward future endeavors. Our past successes should serve not as endpoints, but as stepping stones towards the greater heights that await us."

says Michał Gorząd, the CEO of Wireless Instruments